After learning about Gravatate and their "workspace" approach, the executive team decided to pilot the product. Gravatate workspaces provided the team with a centralized hub where everyone could participate in group conversations that allowed them to communicate more effectively and follow the genesis of conversations from beginning to end.
Lisa Nicholls
President, NAWBO of Greater DC
Gravatate is a Game Changer
Using Gravatate has helped us grow our organization by streamlining our communications and processes. We have much better communication among our board and committees thanks to gravatate! It has really helped us to stay on track so we are more productive ensuring our initiatives and goals are being met.
Tonia Chagnon
Chapter Administrator, NAWBO of Greater DC
We Get More Done with Gravatate
It’s great having one place to go for key information and to know that the documents we are reading the are most current. This has helped to smooth our yearly Executive transition process and made it easier to provide timely and useful information to our members.